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How To Get Comfortable Promoting Yourself

How To Get Comfortable Promoting Yourself, even for introverts and moral business owners

Believe it or not, there was a point in my life where I was completely off social media.

Funny to think back on now that my entire marketing strategy involves posting content.

But from 2011-2017 I didn't have a social media account at all. Then from 2018-2022 I slowly built up the courage to create content under my own name. I was shy, for starters.

But even more-so than being shy, I didn't (and don't) like most of what I see online.

+ People bragging about how much money they make
+ People posting pics of their drinks and fancy meals
+ People boasting about their travels and vacations

I don't vibe with it...

It's why you barely ever see my talk about money and I don't blast pictures of everywhere I travel all over my Instagram.

It's just not... me.

But there's a problem when you don't show off your success when marketing your business.

You fail to promote yourself.

And if you don't promote yourself, who will?!? If you don't promote yourself, how can you successfully sell your services and generate revenue? How ya gonna feed yourself and your family as an entrepreneur?

You won't. 

So unfortunately — even if it's against our nature — we must promote ourselves.

Here's how I reframed promoting myself in a more positive light:


A change in mindset around self-promoting


Self-promoting isn't about flaunting, it's about introducing the world to your processes + beliefs, and what those have allowed you to achieve.

Step 1 to implementing this effectively in your content and sales system is to be transparent with your process. This can be deemed an "unique mechanism."

It's the specific step-by-step process you use to generate results for yourself and clients.

You share that behind the scenes. People get interested. Then they want your help with implementation or to do that process for them.

Transparency is the most authentic way to sell.


But bold opinions are another way to promote your beliefs...


When it comes to personal branding and marketing, you have to stand for something.

It's the easiest way to spark emotions in your audience. 

All of my most effective content comes from leading with a spiky point of view

Keep this in mind → not everyone is going to like what you do and who you are no matter what, so you may as well repel the wrong people from the jump. And get some extra social media engagement as a consolation ;)



My final piece of advice for today: promote yourself every single day online.

Create content around the 2 categories above. Send DMs to prospects and let them know how you can help them.

Share your work, your thoughts, and your unique skillset.

If you don't you'll stay a "starving artist" forever.

Thanks for reading 

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