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To Create an Irresistible Offer — Overcome These 2 Types of Risk

3 Types of Risk To Overcome To Create an Irresistible Offer |  Creating an Irresistible Offer Means Overcoming Objections on the Front End

It's becoming popular for solopreneurs and agency owners to attempt creating an "irresistible offer."

Meaning an offer so good, it's impossible for your lead to say no.

But most fail. They improve their offer and they still get told no. Their conversion rates still suffer.

This might be caused by a mismatch in target audience. Perhaps the solution isn't relevant enough to who they're targeting. Or maybe their audience genuinely can't afford what they're selling.

But assuming that's not the issue, there might be 2 additional reasons the offer isn't good enough yet...


Reason 1: you're only considering one type of financial risk


Most business owners think too narrow when it comes to the financial risk of buying their offer.

"If I give them a money-back guarantee, they'll surely say yes!"

Nope. All the above mindset does is generate generic offers like the following:

"I'll get you [result] in 90 days or I'll give you your money back."

That's cool.... I guess. But it skips over an additional type of financial risk.

What does it cost the client if it doesn't work?

This could be short-term revenue loss or profit loss. This could be their time and energy. In many cases, it's both.

Takeaway: when creating an irresistible offer, you must take into account the financial risk of purchasing from you beyond the initial fee. Structure the positioning of your offer to eliminate this additional type of financial risk.


Reason 2: brand or reputation risk


Sometimes when a service or product doesn't work, it negatively impacts brand reputation.

In this case, brand reputation can be defined as how that business or individual is perceived to the public.

Imagine you're a ghostwriter looking to work with founders. Your entire "niche" is writing a non-fiction book for them...

A concern they might have is "what if the book doesn't sell?" 

Even if the quality of the book is good, if no one buys it, they still look bad to public eye. 

If no one purchases the book, and there's no positive reviews, it signals to perspective buyers the book isn't worth reading.

That would negatively impacts the reputation of the founder, and it's something you should consider when pitching your service. 

Takeaway: Find indirect ways your target audience might be negatively impacted if your offer "didn't work." Structure the positioning of your offer to eliminate brand or reputation risk.



There are 2 additional overlooked types of risks required to create an irresistible offer. These are covered in our Money-Printing Offers course — a course exclusive to members of the Laptop Lounge community.

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