Are You Being Too Greedy With Your Offer?
After coaching over 100 solopreneurs in the past 17 months, I've noticed a pattern that many get wrong in regards to their core offer — aka the product or service they sell.
Their offer simply isn't good enough — But more concerning, they think it's good enough when it isn't.
"If I only had more leads I'd land more deals."
Listen: more leads won't do you any good unless your close rate is good... and your close rate becomes good when your offer is great and is aimed at the right target audience.
And in order to make your offer great, you need to consistently make it better.
What do most solopreneurs and agencies do instead? They create their baseline offer and then NEVER improve it... They perform that same service and keep the product the same until they get tired of it, then they go and create something all new.
This is a huuuuuge mistake. And will keep you stuck or spinning your wheels trying to figure out the next "thing" that will grow your revenue.
What you should be doing instead is making your offer better and better over time... Stacking everything you make until it becomes a "no-brainer" and so highly desirable your target audience can't help but say yes.
With this in mind, I'd like to introduce you to a concept I call "Live Service Offers." It's a simple idea that will help you make your offer better over time... Resulting in better close rates, more sales, and better client retention.
I originally stole this idea from the video game industry, and I've started applying this to all of my core offers.
Below I'm going to give you a summary of Live Service Offers. Then I'll provide a scenario and real-world example so you can start thinking of ways to implement this in your business.
Lastly, you'll get one big warning to consider before implementing these for yourself (which will help your business scale).
What is a Live Service Offer?
A Live Service Offer means that your retainer or product gets continuous updates and improvements the longer it's around.
It means what you sell is a living, breathing and growing value proposition. You're adding more benefit to your offer, without increasing the price.
Turning your offer into a Live Service Offer has 2 main benefits:
1) It makes it easier to sell your offer to new customers, because they get more bang for their buck.
2) It makes it more likely your existing customers stick around, because the service they're paying for is getting better and better.
Live Service Offers decrease churn while improving sales. You tackle 2 problems at once — and obviously this does incredible things for your business.
For example, the Coffee Shop Nation community (new name coming soon) grows and evolves over time in several ways. Here's 2 to show this concept in action:
1) Monthly workshop recordings get added to the database. These never go away and only stack over time. After a year of community existence, new customers immediately get access to 12 workshop recordings, instead of the 3 that will be available come July. After 2 years? 24. The more time goes on, the more workshops become available. Value = improved.
2) Resources created by me...
Since I started coaching, when a client has a "problem" that I help them solve, I then turn that into a template others can use going forward. These templates and processes are then housed in the community to be accessed by anyone, and over time there becomes A LOT of resources, modules, and course material. Once again, the value goes up and up over time...
End of the day, your goal is to make your offer soooo good over time you that you reach max capacity for your availability, meaning you become "sold out" of your service.
THEN, you increase your price.
Example of Live Service Offer: SaaS Products
Do you have a favorite software tool you like to use? Maybe that's Notion, ClickUp, or Taplio...
Whatever the case may be, you may have bought it months ago and you've been loving it ever since.
In that time frame I'm going to assume that they've updated their product a few times...
For example, I use ClickUp to organize my life, hold all my SOPs, and as my project management platform of chouce. They send monthly emails showing all the changes they've been making to their platform. those emails look like this:
Do they increase my price every time they make their product better? Nope.
I just get more value for my money, without asking. It's great.
Takeaway: Start thinking of ways you can improve your service without needing to charge more money.
But if you're not going to be increasing the price, here's a warning...
What to avoid when implementing Live Service Offers as a Service Provider
There's one big danger when implementing Live Service Offers as a service provider that doesn't impact a SaaS like the Click Up example above... Scope creep,
Scope creep = when the work you do increases after the initial contract was signed or increases as a needs of making more sales.
This is terrible for the scalability of your business. It doesn't impact a SaaS company like Click Up because it's a digital product. Any time they change or update their platform someone on their end doesn't have to work more hours to deliver the goods. Nor do they have to hire someone new to perform the work, increasing salary costs.
They make the improvement once, then they're done.
So as a service provider, when improving your offer with the Live Service model in mind, you have to ask yourself this question: "How can I make this better without increasing the amount of time required from me to deliver the benefits?"
For coaches, this comes simple. A client asked you a question? Record a short demonstration or course walking through the solution. Then use that video and give it to all your other clients + future customers.
Same thing applies to templates or written resources. Wrote a guide for a client? Turn that into a PDF that can be shared to everyone, so it's a resource you can now market as part of your core offer.
It's about building resources over time...
This process can be a bit tricker for other types of service providers, but the key is to listen to the concerns of your clients and anticipate their needs.
For example → if you're a brand designer, your clients will likely want to update their website after you're done making their new logos, typography, and establishing brand colors. They might wonder "what should I write on my website for the copy?" or feel like they should go hire a copywriter.
You can then create a template that tells them exactly what to include on their website, and add that downloadable resource as part of your core offer. A one-time creation by you turns into a better overall service for your customers, thus making your offer more desirable.
At the end of the day, listening to your customers needs and creating resources that can be templatized and duplicated is the fastest way to improve your core offer. This will help you sell more, retain customers longer, and grow your business over the long-term.
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