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How customer experience helps you make more money online

After 8 years of entrepreneurship, I can safely say the best way to scale and sustain your business is to focus on the customer experience.

When you have a great customer experience and offer amazing support, this leads to client retention, referrals, and upsells. Essentially, the lifetime value (LTV) of any customer goes waaaaay up. Plus you don't have to feel like sh*t for letting anyone down.

Keeping a customer happy is 10x easier than acquiring a new one too. So it's always blowing my mind when online business owners focus SO heavily on leads and new clients, when what they really need is to focus more on keeping their existing clients around.

All this being said, here's 3 quick ways to improve your customer experience TODAY so you can increase the LTV of your customers.


1 | Post purchase email automations


So many companies focus on email sequences to land a customer. Very few focus on email automations after the purchase. This is a huge difference maker.

After a customer purchases a product, the "transaction" isn't really done. You now have the chance to make their entire onboarding process clear, instead of them having to guess what they do next.

Email automations are great for this.

For example, when someone joins the Laptop Lounge community, I send them an email walking them through how to access their account, how to get inside the community, as well as what to do first.

That "first" thing is also an education style series which helps them enhance their profile, introduce themselves, and learn how to get the most out of their membership. Plus they get to book a free call with me so I can answer any additional questions thye may have and learn about how I can best support them.

In the end, there's no guessing games for them.

They pay, they create their account, then I walk them all the way through until they feel 100% comfortable. 

This is something I've focused on for every offer I've ever sold, and it reduces churn and increases customer satisfaction unlike anything else.

Action item: If you don't have a post-purchase welcome sequence in place, go type one up right now. 


2 | Surprise bonuses


I enjoy giving people things they don't expect. I don't "sell everything" when I present my offers.

There is always something held back. This helps customers feel like they got more than their money's worth, and for me this is a super important KPI.

Another great option is to send cards, thank you baskets, or other small gifts.

Let your customers know you appreciate them. In this case don't make it automated, go the extra step and deliver something personal.

I'll often opt to send thank you cards and photos to further connect with clients so I'm doing the above.

Action items: Write a thank you note or send a small gift to your best customers out of the blue. Let them know you appreciate them.


3 | Ask for direct feedback


This is the quickest win of all. Straight up ask your clients for feedback.

What's working? What's not? What could be better?

When asking, be direct. Tell your client you want to make their experience working with you to be even better, and ask them how you can make that happen.

Skip assumptions and don't play any guessing games. People are happy to share their feedback if they feel it's a safe space to do so.

Then respect feedback gracefully and improve your offer accordingly. 

This will also help you market your product better in the future, because you may just find some hidden objections in the feedback,

Action item: Go ask your customers what could be better.


Final Thoughts


Following proven customer experience strategies improved retention, increases referrals, and will make you more money online in the long-run.

It also heavily boosts your personal brand credibility, crucial for all of us creating content on top of building our business.

Hope these quick action items lead to some short-term wins for you. See ya in the next issue! 

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